June 10, 2021

Setting a Big Table

Our core commitments at CityGate guide our work and focus. The first of these commitments is to Set a Big Table. For us, this means that we welcome followers of Jesus from diverse Christian theological, cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds who share a common vision for the flourishing of their communities and cities. 

But how do we work that out in our daily work and organizational life? 

Missy Wallace and Geoff Hsu lead this conversation as we  unpack a thoughtful and nuanced way to approach Setting a Big Table through the lens of common grace for the common good and the difference between a bounded set mindset and a centered set mindset.

List of resources

Learn more about the work of our speakers:

Missy Wallace is the Vice President of City to City and the Executive Director of the Global Faith and Work Initiative.

Geoff Hsu is the Founder and Executive Director of Flourish San Diego.


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