August 12, 2021

Form People Holistically

Reconciliation as Spiritual Formation 

Christians, we hold to a vision for truth, goodness, virtue and economic wisdom for every aspect of our lives, including our daily work. Yet how often do we consider our workplaces as opportunities for formation and to bring about justice and equity? For many of us working in this space of vocation and calling, this has not been integral to our own discipleship or how we develop and form others. What have we missed? Why does it matter? Why has our formation misplaced a bigger understanding of what it means to be ambassadors of reconciliation? How can we engage in our daily work and workplaces so they become reconciling communities? This CityGate Lab was a deep dive into why spiritual formation is at the heart of being ambassadors and builders of reconciling communities in our workplaces, our neighborhoods and churches.

List of resources

Arrabon Becoming a Reconciling Community
Find resources and study guides for your church, your workplace and your community.
Reconciliation is Spiritual Practice: A Framework for Organizational Practice for Comment Magazine
"An important task of the maturing person is to seek understanding of how the various institutions we are a part of have shaped us—both in their unique gifts and in their unique brokenness."
This powerful essay, written by David M. Bailey for Comment Magazine int the Spring of 2021, provides a framework and way of processing what it means to become a reconciling community regardless of who you are and where you are located.
Reparations: A Christian Call for Repentance and Repair
by Greg Thompson and Duke Kwon
"Christians are awakening to the legacy of racism in America like never before. Reparations explores the churches responsibility for the deep racial brokenness at the heart of American culture, investigates the Bible's call to repair it , and offers a vision for the work of reparation at the local level."(from the book jacket)


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